New Function of Burgercities Props Converted into NFTs

3 min readMay 30, 2023


Hello, Burgers

We would like to announce that we have launched the function of Burgercities Props on-chain and off-chain in the 4.2 version. The function will provide all citizens with more gameplay options and free trading chances, allowing players to enjoy more fun and benefits in BurgerCities.


Citizens can enter the “NFT Warehouse” interface by clicking the button upper.

In NFT WareHouse, the Burgercities Props that have been successfully converted into NFTs can be found. In addition, Burgercities Props that fail to convert can be found in the NFT Conversion Zone.

Attention: Only Burgercities Equipment of Blue quality or above can be converted into NFTs on the chain and off the chain until now.

Converted the Burgercities Props On Chain

If you want to convert the Burgercities Props into NFTs on the chain, you can click “NFT Conversion” in the Warehouse.

By clicking the “Approve” in the lower-right corner, the system will automatically indicate the result of Burgercities Props conversions. If you convert the Burgercities Props successfully, the “NFT” characters will appear in the upper-right corner of the converted Props.

Attention: The Burgercities Props converted to NFTs cannot be used in the battle, at the same time their original attributes will be saved automatically.

Before converting the Burgercities Props, it is necessary to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of Gas Fee and Burger Processing Fee of USDT.

Otherwise, any Burgercities Props that fail to be converted into NFT will be locked in the “NFT Conversion Zone”, they will be locked for 48 hours and can’t be removed during the period.

  • During the 24-hour lockout period, players can manually try to put Burgercities Props on the chain.
  • During the 24–48 hour lockout, players cannot do any operation.
  • When the 48-hour lockout period is over, the Burgercities Props will automatically return to the players’ Bag.

Burgercities Props Off the Chain

If you click on the Burgercities Props with ‘NFT’ characters, specific information about the equipment will be shown. Then, you can take the Burgercities Props off the chain by clicking “Approve” and they will be automatically returned to our Bags.

Attention: The system will switch the chain automatically if you don’t switch to the Arbitrum Chain when converting Burgercities Props on-chain or off-chain. Before taking the Burgercities Props off the chain, you need to make sure that there is a sufficient amount of Gas Gee and USDT.

BurgerCities “evolved” from Burgerswap, a DeFi product that was already available on BNB Chain. It integrates DeFi and NFT into a larger metaverse scene to produce a uniform and standardized Web3 behavioral metaverse universe.

BurgerCities aims to create a unified and standardized metaverse world of Web3 via integrating DeFi, NFT to the wider Metaverse. In this world, users could carry out daily events such as social, gaming, etc. Meanwhile, they could experience DeFi and NFT functions with their own avatars such as trading, staking, NFT exhibitions or gamefi, etc.

BurgerCities hopes to contribute fresh energy to the booming in the metaverse and brings new vigor and vitality into Web3 applications such as DeFi and NFT.

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The first standardized blockchain-enabled game of metaverse scenario on BSC